KKCOM - Kane / Kendall Council of Mayors

STP Program

The Surface Transportation Program (STP) provides funding to municipalities for projects on the Federal-Aid Highway System. Northeastern Illinois is divided into 11 Council of Mayors, which are allocated STP funding for local transportation projects. The Kane/Kendall Council of Mayors receives approximately $12 million a year in STP funds.

Every other year, KKCOM hosts a STP-L Call for Projects. The projects are ranked according to the KKCOM methodology. The rankings are utilized by the Transportation Policy Committee to prepare a programming recommendation. The Policy Committee program recommendation is forwarded to the Full Council for approval. The program is then submitted to CMAP for the final votes and to be developed into the regional Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), the northeastern Illinois five year agenda of transportation projects.

CMAP Information

2023 CMAP Transportation Schedule
CMAP Transportation Development Credits for Highways Policy for STP Projects (eff. 11 28 2018)
STP Active Program Management Policies - updated 2/9/2023

FHWA Information

FHWA 2024 Coordination Meeting Schedule
FHWA Guidelines Cheat Sheet - Functional Classification
FHWA Highway Functional Classification Concepts Criteria and Procedures

IDOT Forms and Information

Circular Letter 2024-08 - Updated Joint Funding Agreements
Circular Letter 2024-13: Local HSIP Program
CL 2024-17 Township Bridge Program
D1 Letting and Submittal Schedule - April 2024
D1 PPI Form: D1 PI0004
D3 Letting and Submittal Schedule - 2024 & 2025
IDOT Local Roads PCL Definitions
IDOT MFT Improvement Type Definitions
IDOT Transportation Development Credits for Highways Policy (eff. 10 22 2018)
Project Milestone Schedule

KKCOM FFY25-29 STP-L Call for Projects Information

* Memo - Draft Program - Scoring *
2023/4 CALL FOR PROJECTS - STP Local GATA Uniform Application
CFP Schedule
Common Mistakes in STP Applications
Draft Active Program - FFY 25-29
Draft Contingency Program - FFY 25-29
Draft Programs - Scoring - Public Comment Memo
General Instructions for eTIP
IDOT Condition Rating Survey Summary Report - FY2022
KKCOM Application Supplement Form
KKCOM STP-L Current and Future Estimate Marks - FFY24-29
Score Summary 2024 - Asset Management
Score Summary 2024 - Roadways and Intersections
STP Methodology - revised October 19, 2023

KKCOM General Information & Forms

* Spend-Down Policy & Regional Redistribution Memo - July 2024 *
Fiscal Year Chart
KKCOM Bylaws - approved 11.2026
KKCOM Programming Policies & Procedures - revised October 19, 2023
QSU - Quarterly Status Update Form
STP-L Project Manager Designation Form
STP-L Quarterly Status Update Instructions

STP-L Active and Contingency Programs

FFY 2025-2029 STP-L Active Program - Adopted October 2024
FFY 2025-2029 STP-L Contingency Program - Adopted October 2024